Friday, January 21, 2011

Debate Notes (Harvard)

NU + Harvard (Pro Facebook) vs. SU + PSU (Reject Facebook)

Pro Facebook points:
It allows people to multiply their social circles.
It increases networking opportunities.
It allows people to reconnect with past friends and keep in touch with current ones.
People can exercise a different means of communication besides face to face.
Convenient way to keep in touch, especially over long distances.
User can express creativity in their profile.
Easy way to create positive groups and events.

Reject Facebook points:
Facilitates cyber-bullying.
    **(Retort) Wouldn't you rather be bullied over facebook than in person?
Sells your information.
Changes privacy policies without notification.
People can make an image for themselves that doesn't accurately reflect who they are.
Easy to make negative groups about people.
Pictures can be misused.
   ***(Retort) If you're embarrassed about a certain picture, maybe what you're doing in that picture shouldn't have even been done in the first place.
Anyone can tag you in a picture.
Waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you attended and you will get extra credit. This will help you in the debate we will do in class.
